
Gingival Diseases Treatment (Periodontology)

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Gingival Diseases Treatment (Periodontology)

Prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases related to gums, oral tissues and alveolar bone surrounding teeth provides benefits such as protection of dentition and more comfortable and effective chewing.

If you have one or more of the symptoms such as bleeding, red, swollen gums that are receding away from the teeth, llose teeth that move away from each other, bad breath during tooth brushing, you have periodontal disease.

When periodontal diseases are diagnosed early, they can be treated successfully in a short time. For this purpose, the removal of the attachments on the teeth (tartar cleaning) and the provision of a smooth root surface ensures the removal of bacteria that cause disease in the gums. Achieving a good oral hygiene habit is the golden rule for the continuation of treatment success throughout life. Surgical approaches may be required in the treatment of advanced periodontal diseases.

  • What is dental plaque? It is a structure consisting of the combination of bacteria, saliva and the food we eat and drink. If not cleaned, these bacteria damage our teeth and gums. It can cause dental calculus and bruises. You can remove plaque with proper brushing.
  • What is tartar? It is the structure formed by the hardening of the plaque in the tooth for a long time. Its color can be yellow or brown. Tartar formation varies according to your saliva structure, age, oral care and diet. Tartar causes more plaque accumulation due to its rough structure.
  • Is it harmful to have tartar removal? Failure to remove the detected dental calculus from there damages your gums and causes gingival recessions and osteoporosis in the later stages. It must be cleaned by a dentist.
  • What can I do to prevent it from happening? Half an hour after eating, we should clean our teeth (brush, dental floss, interface brushes, etc.). The cleaning method is specific to the tooth structure of the person. It is recommended to get help from your dentist in this regard.
  • Is tartar cleaning done by anaesthetizing? It can be done by anesthetizing according to the position and depth of the tartar. Routine cleaning is done without anesthesia.
  • How often should I be examined by the dentist? A dentist examination is recommended every 6 months on average. However, this period varies according to the decision of your dentist.
  • Will there be gaps after removing my tartar? Do these gaps pass? If your tartar is kept in the mouth long enough to cause gingival recession, you will have triangular gaps after cleaning, unfortunately, your receding gums and bone losses will not come back. Your tartar that you do not want to remove in order to prevent gaps will cause more gingival recession. We do not recommend that you postpone.